December 13th, 2007 - It's been a slow news week, and it shows... We soldier on and maintain to entertain. The whole crew is here, Pete, Kevin, Jeff, and Chris. Although, Pete and Chris appear to be napping for half of the show. We cover the latest in copy protection lawsuits and crazy Representatives, AMD's struggle to keep their head above the water, CompUSA dies and no one sheds a tear, more crazyness from Microsoft, and more. Also, male camel toe (I've said too much...) You can provide feedback to the show by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - News Stories: RIAA: Those CD rips of yours are still "unauthorized" Congressman Hollywood: It's time to revisit the DMCA CompUSA closes shop AMD's Barcelona, Phenom suffer early setbacks Judge: eBay can use "Buy It Now," still owes $30 million PlayForSure becomes "Certified for Windows Vista" 63 percent of US population now plays video games, says report GAO blasts government "planning" for digital TV transition Opera tries to force IE into W3C compliance wit