December 5th, 2007 - It's the Pete and Kevin show! This is a first with only the two of us, and we make the best of it. Luckily, there weren't any stories about Linux or Windows... We discuss the Activision/Vivendi merger, Google's plans for the 700MHz band, more retardedness from the MPAA, and much more. You can provide feedback to the show by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - News Stories: Gaming monolith birthed with merger of Activision and Blizzard Really, truly official: Google to bid on 700MHz spectrum MPAA head: Content filtering is in ISPs' best interests Games damaging kids ability to read Google Reveals 2008 Plans For Google Apps Wireless keyboard encryption easily broken, say researchers The GameSpot controversy as a window into the world of gaming journalism Amazon and Wal-Mart unwittingly team up against DRM Comcast slapped: FCC places limits on cable giant’s market share Weekly Picks: Pete: Call of Duty 4 Kevin: GameTap Direct MP3 Download iTunes Subscription RSS Feed