Tech Talk

Show #33



November 29th, 2007 - A full house once again: Chris, Jeff, Kevin, and Pete. We spend a lot of time talking about what we've been doing since we last talked. Kevin's been busy setting up the new Tech Bytes podcast. Pete's all about the Call of Duty 4, and Jeff has been playing Assasin's Creed and Mass Effect. Chris is still playing the baby card... You can provide feedback to the show by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - News Stories: NIN " Copyright Fun" Soldier Uses Wii to Catch Wife Doing Up, Down, Left, Right, A-B-A-B With Another Man Spinpoint F1: Samsung Overtakes With a Bang Mark Cuban to ISPs: block all P2P traffic; Ars to Cuban: um, no You can't always judge an eBook by its cover (Amazon Kindle) IBM patent could pause your DVD movie for "a word from our sponsors" Nintendo Says It's Not Limiting Wii Supply Judge tells record labels to cough up download expenses Microsoft inches closer to XP update Mozilla's Firefox 3 beta Weekly Picks: Pete: AMD Spider & Call of Duty 4 Jeff: Assassin's Cr