Tech Talk

Show #32



November 15th, 2007 - It's just Jeff and Kevin this week, but what we lack in numbers we make up for in gusto (and Guitar Hero III talk). We discuss what's been going on the past week, and of course we cover the latest tech news. We had some good stories this week, but the highlight of the show would have to be the two rants. We rant about Higher Education Bill 494, and a story about Canadian piracy launches us into a rant about the music industry. Not only do we rant about the music industry, but we solve all the problems with it as well. Listen for the whole story, and a business plan that's solid gold. You can provide feedback to the show by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - News Stories: DivX support coming to PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 support in the works Microsoft's Musiwave acquisition could lead to Zune wireless music store RIAA: Jammie Thomas has "no basis" to complain about damage award Get your own XO laptop: OLPC Give 1 Get 1 project underway Xbox 360 passes PS3 on Japan sales chart on strengt