Tech Talk

Show #30: Wireless Security



November 1st, 2007 - Our thirtieth show, that seems like a lot... This is also the first episode of Tech Talk with 100% less Pete. He has a cold and is overall feeling under the weather. But that didn't phase us, oh no, we tread on. In fact, this show contains a great nugget of information within our tech news stories. Kevin goes over the benefits of wireless network security and why you should secure your network. We also may finally have a winner in the HD home video wars, only time will tell though. For more details, listen to the show. You can provide feedback to the show by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - We spend some time in today's show talking about wireless security. Protect yourself! News Stories: Congressman to Comcast: Stop interfering with BitTorrent AT&T Asks CA Wildfire Victims If They Remembered To Pick Up Satellite Receiver As They Fled Their Burning House / Or Not… Senate approves extension of Internet tax ban The sub-$200 HD DVD player arrives ($98 at Walmart tomorrow?) Nvidia'