Tech Talk

Show #8



June 2nd, 2007- Kevin forgets how to talk at the beginning of this show, but it gets better after that. We spend a lot of time discussing the IFPI's "Ten Inconvienient Truths About File-Swapping." In the end you'll either hate the IFPI or feel sorry for them. As always we answer listener's tech questions and cover more tech news stories. - Show Notes - Support Calls: Evan in North Carolina tuned into our show by accident and tells us all why copy protection and draconic laws irk him. He specifically talks about an article he read in The Source magazine concerning people being arrested for selling and distributing their own music. Leonard in Glendale called to discuss a few articles in The Atlantic magazine regarding how quickly music can "get around" on peer-to-peer networks and also how someone got back at a spammer. We suspect he was talking about Nigerian 419 scams and websites like that string these scammers along. Ivy from Phoenix calls to ask how he can get back at spammers. He rep