Tech Talk

Show #3



April 28th, 2007 - Show number 3 was lots of fun. We talked about Copy Protection and why it helps no one. We also shared a bit about ourselves. - Show Notes - Main Topic: Copy Protection – Otherwise known as Digital Rights Management (DRM), Copy Protection prevents consumers from using media they purchased in ways many people feel they should. It also fails to stop pirates from stealing the content, so really the media corporations are only hurting their customers. Chris from Phoenix, AZ called us to add his thoughts on DRM and how he had to "work around" a problem when a CD he had purchased wouldn't import properly into iTunes. Suzanna in Mesa is a musician who called in to give the perspective of copy protection from a content creator. Her music was pirated in Europe, and while she was upset that people were stealing her music she realized that there was no way to prevent it and used it to her advantage by referring to her music as being so good that people were willing to steal it. Support Calls