Tech Talk

Show #2



April 21st, 2007 - We now have two shows under our belt and I still haven’t figured out how to end the show on time… Hopefully the third time will be the charm. - Show Notes - Controversial Topic: Violence and Video Games – We discussed how the recent VT shooting was inaccurately related to violent video games and widened the discussion to include how video games have become the media’s scapegoat for teen violence. Jack Thomson blames VT shootings on Counter Strike (also here) No strong link seen between violent video games and aggression Violence-Related Behaviors Among High School Students We also took a few calls from our audience about this issue. Larry from Phoenix, AZ points out that religion causes more violence than video games. Mathew from Bedford, TX is appalled by how the media handles these kinds of issues and focuses more on celebrity news. Allan from Scottsdale, AZ doesn’t agree with us based on his experiences, but was also unable to provide a good example of why he feels this way. Ne