Wdw Tiki Room

WDW Tiki Room: June 25, 2010 – Disney Video Games at E3, Toy Story 3 Game Review



WDW Tiki Room host Aljon hosts a special midday edition of the show featuring the latest news from E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo featuring Disney Interactive video games TRON Evolution, Pirates of the Caribbean and Epic Mickey. Eric Allen (twitter.com/sorcomreview) also reviews the video game Toy Story 3. VISIT: WDWTikiRoom.com | FOLLOW: Twitter.com/WDWTikiRoom | facebook.com/WDWTikiRoom | Aljon Twitter.com/JediMouseketeer | Kristen Twitter.com/DiningatDisney | VOICEMAIL: (850) 888-8454 (TIKI) […]