Tech Talk Radio

TTR Ep 1212: Vodafone up for sale? Freeview PVRs with CRID. Will they deliver what they promise. New Firefox. iiNet Anytime Quotas, Paypal's new merchant app for iPhone and more...



Tech Talk Radio is an informative and entertaining technology talk show heard on free to air radio across Australia as well as streamed to the world live, and via podcast. Each week we present current news and views from Australia and abroad. We're independent, non biased and are now in our seventh year of providing consumers with valuable information to help make educated decisions when it comes to technology. Tech Talk Radio originates from the studios of 94.1 3WBC in Melbourne live every Monday night at 8pm. Join Andrew McColm (ABC Radio), Dr. Ron (ABC Radio), Graeme Callaghan, Leena van Deventer (freelance games writer), Adam Turner - journalist for the Age and SMH amongst others.

Tech Talk Radio reports on current technical developments both in Australia and abroad in an easy to digest manner format. Our panelists discuss a wide range of issues and technological gadgets, as well as respond to your dilemmas and feedback. We're passionate about technology and it shows!

Join us live in our chat room - 8PM Monday AEST