

The Aha Moment John 16: 12-16 Aha! I can hear Him (v.12-13) Aha! I can understand Him (v.14-15) Aha! I can know Him (v. 16) Description - Have you ever had an "Aha!" moment? That moment that occurs, when all of the sudden, like a lightbulb driving out the darkness...something that was unclear becomes crystal clear. It is that moment when you think "duh!" why didn't I see this before? It is that moment when you finally "get it: and see something that you did not understand or that was hidden for some reason before. Those kind of moments can be fun, they can be helpful, and they can make us better. We need them spiritually as well. Today we discover how the "Aha!" moments for the early followers reminds us of how our "Aha!" moments can happen as well.