Covenant Community Church - Gps-god Positioning System

Table Talk "Not Just Any Table" (Part One)



Table Talk "Not Just Any Table" (Part One) John 6:25-40 THE INVITATION (v.25- 29) THE PREPARATION (v.30- 34) THE PRESENTATION (v.35-38) Summary- We begin a new series @ The Warehouse where you are invited to the table. But as the title suggests, this is "Not Just Any Table" Using the concept of the table we are going to spend some time getting an understanding of the way we engage the world around us for Jesus. The church is the table where we come in order to get fed. It’s where we find our healthy diet. But too many of us come to church with the me-istic attitude of, “Feed me,” We expect to find the food, the fuel that is necessary to survive in our own little world. But what we do with the food is just as important as the food itself. We have to be willing to push away from the table, to get outside of our comfort zones, and exercise. Today we begin with a little "table talk" that reminds us of some essentials to keep in mind as we think about the table.