Covenant Community Church - Gps-god Positioning System

The Everyone Questions-What If Everyone Gave?



The Everyone Questions What If Everyone Gave? 2 Corinthians 8:2-12 ER) What If Everyone Gave Themselves To God? (v.5) 1) What If Everyone Gave Their Effort? (v.2-5 & 7) 2) What If Everyone Gave Their Resources? (v.2-3,7,10-12) Imagine a world where the followers of unconditional lives..emerged and became the force of change and the force that shaped culture. Sounds exciting doesn't it? Well that is what we have been doing in The Everyone Questions series. Already we have been challenged by asking What If Everyone Prayed? and What If Everyone Connected? we ask one more set of questions... What If Everyone Gave? It is easy to see that we live in a world that desperately needs answers, help, and this study we again ask the tough questions that might just change us and change the world.
