Change Your Pov Podcast

ATT207: Gary Vee Advice To A Marine - Should I Stay Or Should I Go?



  SUMMARY: A.T.T.A.C.K - Actionable Tips Tricks And Coachable Knowledge! Active Duty Marine Tiffany gets a call from Gary Vee during his kickass Vlog "The #ASKGARYVEE Show". Tiffany is at a crossroads in her career and wants to know what Gary Vee thinks about her dilemma.  Should she get out of the corps after 14 years, or stay until the end - Retirement? This episode Bennett and Eddie have a very candid conversation about what we would do in the event of a real alert.     IN THIS PARTICULAR EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN:   5 Pieces Of Advice Eddie and Bennett Have For Tiffany: Have a plan to stay in and a plan to get out Have a mentor for both plans. A mix of military, veteran, and civilian mentors Staying in the military has a shelf life. One day everyone gets out. Start your plan NOW!! Start and build your Network Start NOW. If you have 2 months, or 2 years left the sooner you start to prepare to get out the more success you will have!     LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:    AskGaryVee