Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

Ep 149 Gama with Mark Streed!



Ep.149: Gama with Mark Streed!   News Heroes of Land, Air, & Sea Giveaway!! https://gleam.io/9OamS/heroes-of-land-air-sea-give-away-from-epic-gaming-night Magic: The Gathering – Heroes of Dominaria Board Game Legendary: World War Hulk Death Note: Confrontation What we have been playing! (Roy) Dead of Winter: The Long Night (Mark) Empires of the Void 2, Wakening Lair, Smiths of Winterforge (Matt) Dead of Winter: The Long Night Topic: Gama & Kickstarter Previews! Mark Tell us about your trip to Gama? What is Gama all about? What all did you do with passport? Tell us about the Media stuff you did while in Reno? Are there any new games that you saw that stood out to you? Do you have any fun stories from Gama? So tell us about your new role in doing Dice Tower Kickstarter Previews? Is there a different approach when doing a kickstarter preview as opposed to a review? What's it like to work with newer publishers? Is there anything specific you do for editing for your preview videos? If you could p