

Ep. 150: Look back!   News: Heroes of Land, Air, & Sea Giveaway!! Batman kickstarter ends soon Lords of Hellas huge delays What we have been playing! (Roy) Star Wars Rebellion, Dinosaur Island (Rob) Wits and Wagers, Dinosaur Island, Fantasy Realms (Matt) D&D Topic: Look Back! What have been some of your favorite moments of the podcast? What have you enjoyed most about doing the podcast? What something that’s happened on the podcast that you’ll never forget? What do you think have been our most talked about games? Rhino Hero Blood Rage Xia Dead of Winter Mansions of Madness Deception What’s a game that we’ve talked about that you really want to revisit? Dead of Winter Battlestar Galactica Tales of the Arabian Nights What is the epic gaming night podcast to you? What would you love to see us do on the podcast in the future? Thanks so much to all of our amazing patrons Patron of the week: Shawn Hudson