Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

Ep 154 Choosing games!



Episode 154 Choosing games!   News: X Wing 2nd Edition Cmon Expo What we have been playing!? (Roy) Marvel Legendary: Infinity Wars (variant), Coup (Rob) Clank! (Matt) DnD Topic: Choosing games! How do you choose what games to play in different situations? What game would you pick to play: At a party? (Roy) Rhino Hero, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Spyfall, Cash n Guns (Rob) Happy Salmon, Wits & Wagers, Strike, Telestrations (Matt) Junk Art, Flip Ships, Deception, Monikers, Dixit With family? (Roy) Century: Spice Road, Codenames (Rob) Same from previous category (Matt) Sagrada, Dixit At a gaming con? (Roy) Chaos in the Old World, Dune, Battlestar Galactica, Heroes of Land, Air, and Sea (Rob) Champions of Midgard, Dead of Winter, Game of Thrones, Fief (Matt) With kids? (Roy) Haba games, Kids of Carcassone, Stuffed Fables, Outfoxed (Rob) Haba games, Mice and Mystics, Lion Guard Protect the Pridelands (Matt) Blood Rage, Doodle Quest, Pitch Car During a game day? (Roy) TI4, Mansions of Ma