Doing Stuff Daily

DSD-007 3 Keys of Habit Mastery



I fully admit it.  I am not the master of any of these.  I am a practitioner of all of them and my goal is to master each one of them.  The way I see it, how can I lose? I can't.  Neither can you.  Master these three habits and the rest of life is gravy.  (Wow, what a bad analogy.) Master the Habit of Eating Right Don’t put gas in a diesel engine.  I had a friend do that totally by accident.  It was not a pleasant experience.  Fortunately, he's a mechanic who knew what to do to minimize the issue. Eating processed food is like putting the wrong fuel in a system built for something else.  Something better.  I'm no health nut by any means.  I like a good hamburger and fries like everybody else.  You can't live like that as a norm.  Create a new norm for yourself.  Create a habit of eating well Resource: Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting by James Clear Here is one person's first-hand experience with the concept.  I'm hoping to have my own.  I'm told it takes a full, rigid two weeks to settle into the life