Doing Stuff Daily

DSD-006 How to Say NO gracefully



I wrote my second book which becomes available in May and I was making contacts with people I know online whom I’ve had some interaction with requesting endorsements for the book.  My first contact said “Yes.”  My second contact said yes as well.  But the 3rd said “No.” Listen to these quotes on reasons to say “No”: “To create the life you want… you have to get really good at saying ‘No.’” Jeff Walker "To stay productive, and minimize stress, you have to learn the gentle art of saying No.” Leo Babauta “The ability to communicate ‘no’ really reflects that you are in the driver’s seat of your own life. It gives you a sense of empowerment.” Vanessa M. Patrick, an associate professor of marketing at the C. T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston. He wasn’t saying NO to a commitment that would alter his life purpose. He wasn’t saying NO so he could keep being productive with less stress. He wasn’t saying NO just so he would feel empowered and in control. Here’s what he did say… “Thanks for cons