Doing Stuff Daily

DSD-005 Routines and Ruts



“You don’t stop doing what got you here in the first place.”   Nolan Ryan At age 44, Nolan Ryan pitched his 7thno hitter.  No other pitcher has come close to this accomplishment.  It has been said that after that game, Nolan Ryan went into the exercise room and got on a stationary bike to ride for 30+ minutes.  This is what he does after every game.  It is his routine and he stuck to it.  A rookie came up to him, excited out of his mind at being included in such a historic event.  He said, “What are you doing on that bike? We have to out and celebrate.  The team has to celebrate.  You have to celebrate.”  Nolan Ryan replied, “You don’t stop doing what got you here in the first place.”  Routine gets a bad rap as repetitious, uninspiring and tedious.  It is a RUT that you need to get out of and avoid at all cost.  It is a killer of creativity and spontaneity.  Nothing could be further from the truth. “What you do daily prepares you for what you will do greatly.”  Bill McConnell Routine makes average people ext