Doing Stuff Daily

DSD-002 Pushers, Pullers and Prodders



Nobody succeeds alone.  Sadly, too many people never succeed because of the very people who say they’re your friends just don’t want you to succeed.  Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you feel like you just don’t fit in?  All of us have.  It’s kind of like getting your party dates mixed up and show up in a weird cosplay costume when it should have been a team shirt for a ball game.  Kinda like the “Wanna Get Away” commercials for Southwest Airlines.  It may be the friends you’re hanging around with. In this episode, you will discover three types of true friends whom you need around you as you set out to conquer new challenges in your life.  Although you’re on your own journey, heading your own way, true friends like these will help you get there.