Swagger Swerve

Swagger Swerve - Tara Millamena - The Expert Social Media Influencer with a Passion for Travel and Being Your Authentic Self



My guest today is Tara Millamena, the expert Social Media Influencer on Instagram and Youtube. Tara has proven that E-Commerce marketing influence is a not only a business, but a thriving one. She is able to offer insight to saavy companies looking to gain influence through Lifestyle Influencing.She’s is assisting launching an app called Fermagent - a platform with the vibe of Linkedin for Brands and Influencers as well as her Youtube Channel that will be focused on Travel inspired videos.Tara Millamena,===== Welcome to Swagger Swerve =====Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taramillamena/YouTube: http://youtube.com/taramillamenaFEMARGENT instagram -  https://www.instagram.com/femargent/