Swagger Swerve

Swagger Swerve - with Josh Grant of Sound Seekers



===== Welcome to Swagger Swerve, I am Geoff Antonio =====My guest for this is Josh Grant, the the founder of Sound Seekers a multidimensional Instagram Influencer - Radio and Podcast Show - Concert Production Series. Josh has proven that you can live your passion in music by being an unstoppable entrepreneur. We delve into how Josh gets into his Swagger and how he hustles daily to get his Swerve on. Josh has made a strong online fan base for Sound Seekers, with enough post out there that he dares YOU to reach the bottom of the Sound Seekers instagram page!  He has reached the top of the charts on the platform Anchor.fmLater this month he his the first Sound Seekers Concert which will feature Artist that have been featured on Sound Seekers and this year he will be expanding his Youtube Channel Sound Seekers series. == WE WELCOME JOSH GRANT OFFICIALLY AND NOW LISTEN TO HOW WE DELVE IN - LADIES AND GENTS LETS NOW sWAGGER, THEN sWERVE  ===