Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

Ep 156 Making the Cut!



    News: Five minute dungeon curses! Foiled Again! Heroes contest winner David Ginsburg! Heroes Pestilence expansion announced Gamelyn on the podcast next week! What we have been playing!? (Roy) Heroes of Land, Air, and Sea, Unlock!, Clank!, Thanos Rising (Rob) Video games with the family (Matt) Crossfire, Telestrations Topic: Making the Cut! Do you ever Cull games out of your Collection? What goes into the decision of getting rid of a game? How would you normally get rid of a game that you no longer wanted in your collection? With so many games coming out is it harder for a game to have staying power? Is there a genre of game that you feel like you don’t need any more of or you’re tired of seeing? What does it take for games to get you excited and want to add it to your collection? Is there a game you can never see getting rid of? Is there a game you’ve got rid of that you wish you still had? How many games would you say you have in your collection? Do you have a limit to how big you want your collec