Two Guys Talk Movies

Ep. 60 - Greatest Director Ever?



Hello everyone!! we hope you're having a great day! This week, we reach episode 60 of the podcast. So, we ask you a HUGE favor. If you LOVE the show, or even like it. Or if you think we are iffy(at best), we ask you to share this episode with a friend. We aren't asking the world. Just one friend, or acquaintance, work-friend, stalker. If you would do that, we would appreciate you! Also, if you're still reading, thanks for being you! (And listening to the show) - My Dinner With Andre - 00:01:17. - Apocalypse Now / Hearts of Darkness - 00:07:00. - Who is the Greatest Director Ever? - 00:21:30. - Scanners - 00:36:20. - Ian saw Solo This Week - 40:15. - Upgrade - 00:55:20. - The Maltese Falcon - 01:01:00. - Alex and Ian.