Change Your Pov Podcast

NIW026: Quality Deer Management with Jason Crighton



This week on the show we're joined by my friend Jason Crighton of Conserve the Wild to talk about Quality Deer Management. Jason is, as you'll recall from our first episode, an avid outdoorsman and conservationist.  Among other pursuits, Jason enjoys chasing whitetail deer, but also improving their habitat and their lives with Quality Deer Management.   According to Mark Kenyon of Wired to Hunt, Quality Deer Management (QDM) is a management philosophy/practice that unites landowners, hunters, and managers in a common goal of producing biologically and socially balanced deer herds within existing environmental, social, and legal constraints. You can join the Quality Deer Management Association here. As always, if you'd like to come on the show, I'm always interested in talking to folks about the pursuits they're passionate about. PLEASE don't hesitate to reach out to me to come on the show!