Story Craft Rpg's Podcast

Episode 4 – StoryCraftRPG



Welcome to Story Craft RPG; a place to hear ideas, ignite your creativity and get inspiration for your tabletop role playing games. We take story topics from listeners and evolve them, giving at least three ideas to advance your story. We then discuss how we would use these ideas in our games and offer advice on how to run them in your game.

New episodes are released weekly, usually on Thursdays.

Have you ever been stuck on a story element of your game and just need a little spark to ignite your creative fire? Are you looking for advice on how to run these ideas in your game? Or maybe youre just looking for ideas. The Story Craft RPG podcast is here for you.

Each week we tackle story topics from listeners. The show uses behind the scene Sages and Hosts who come up with their best ideas, and then we present the top ones on the show.

This podcast strives to help with the story aspect of the game, discussing concrete examples of topics you request and advice on how to use them in the game.

Story Craft RPG focuses on tabletop role playing games and is mostly system agnostic but leans towards Dungeons & Dragons.

Heres how it works
. You submit a story idea you would like to develop
. The Story Craft RPG podcast offers at least three ways to evolve the story and advice on how to use them

We try to keep each podcast relatively short, less than 30 minutes.

Story submissions can come from GMs and Players. Submissions should be short, described in a few sentences.
Some simple examples:
A PC touches a corpse in an ancient crypt, what comes of this?
I have pirates invading a town, but I need something specific they are after.
I need a magic item for a rogue that steals everything. But his acquisition of this particular magical item does not go well after he attunes to it.
A plague has broken out in a town. What are the effects of the plague?
I want my character, a Dwarf, to have a slight limp. Im looking for how he got it.

Even if your idea is not being addressed on a show its still great to listen in, you may hear something to steal and work into your game. You may also pickup additional tips on how to run and play the game.

Submit your story ideas to
You can also use Twitter @storycraftrpg1
If your idea is used on a show, you will receive feedback as to when the episode will be available.

Thanks for checking out Story Craft RPG!

Sometimes all you need is a good idea to inspire you,
Story Craft RPG
