Doing Stuff Daily

DSD-027 The Habit of Helping



I went to the woods because I needed to. A good friend of ours bought some property in the mountains. 38 acres or so with nothing on it. Well nothing manmade. Lots of trees, deadwood, completely undeveloped. He started by building a shed and needed help putting it together. Lots of help. My wife, daughter and I went up to lend a hand. On my way up there in the Jeep, ahead of the girls, I get a phone call. It’s my friend. He’d forgotten to grab his 3½” deck screws. I was miles away from a Home depot, Lowes or even an Ace Hardware store. However, I did find a Bomgaar’s, a store I never heard of before but was listed by Google as a hardware store. I got the screws for him. He’d also called a friend to get screws to my daughter who was coming up later in the day. Plan B, in case I was too far into the trip to find his solution. Now, here’s a man who knows what he wants. He also knows how to go about getting there. He does, sometimes, get hung up on the details, but figures it out and keeps going. I’m not a carpen