Doing Stuff Daily

DSD-028 Clarity and Focus



I went to the optometrist a month or so ago and came away with not one but two prescriptions for eyewear. Please understand… I have been wearing glasses since I was 5 years old.  I just turned 60 in July and have graduated from 1 to 2 pair of glasses. WHAT A PAIN IT IS! Not to mention the cost of 2 pair, which is twice the cost of one pair… Why did I do it? I WANT TO SEE CLEARLY WHEREVER I AM! I have this regular pair of glasses that are progressive. There’s a difference when I look through the top, through the middle and through the bottom of the lens. In the old days, they’d be known as tri-focal lens. Mom had them. I blame her. These are great for driving, hiking, being outdoors even watching TV from a certain distance, which I recommend. BUT, they suck when I’m reading or on the computer. Close work that requires different focus. My second pair is the same prescription (believe-it-or-not) but different in that the area of the 3 focal points gets different real estate on the lens. Why do I go through this…