Dramatic Listening... The Podcast Where You Learn English By Listening To Radio Plays

DL102: Richard Diamond – Reasoning with a Crazy Man



Richard Diamond, Private Detective — The Louis Spence Case (Part 2 of 7) Time is running out.[Photo © Stoathphoto/www.Bigstock.com] Summary of Part 2 Diamond gets pulled in to meet the insane man face to face. Will he be taken hostage too? His former boss and friend, Lieutenant Levinson, who has already been taken hostage by the crazed activist, doesn’t like doing this to Diamond, but he needs help…and Diamond is much more capable than Sergeant Otis. Doomed Lieutenant Levinson has given up hope. He called Diamond in to help, but the situation seems hopeless. What could Richard Diamond possibly do? What could any man do? Hostage Negotiations Diamond tries reasoning and negotiating with Spence, but Spence doesn't wear down. He knows he has the upper hand and enjoys shocking people with his demands. The Dilemma Diamond and Otis clear the building. But they have no idea about how to solve the hostage situation beyond that. Diamond isn't used to dealing with the insane. They seem too unpredictable, so he doesn't k
