Microsoft Technet Audio-only Webcast: Exchange Server 2003 In Depth

Exchange Server 2003 In Depth: Troubleshooting



Now's your chance to listen to valuable webcast content whenever and wherever you want. You can now take the Exchange 2003 In-Depth webcast series with you in audio format. Download audio of the webcasts one at a time below, or all of them at once using the RSS feeds and your podcast reader.

This is the first time we've offered audio-only versions of our webcasts, and we want to know what you think. After you listen, please take a couple minutes and let us know your opinion by taking our survey at

In the month of February, we're giving away two Creative ZEN Micro 6 gigabyte MP3/WMA players per week from a random drawing of people who complete the survey. What a great way to listen to your TechNet audio webcasts! Go here for official contest rules.