
007: Let's Go… to the Movies



Like Pokémon? Great, because this week we're not only discussing the upcoming Pokémon Let’s Go games but the Detective Pikachu movie trailer too! You'll have to listen to us discuss the upcoming awards series, video apps, and this month's NES games first though. It's a tough life. 00:00:00 - What We're Playing 00:03:52 - The Game Awards (https://thegameawards.com) 00:06:53 - Red Dead Redemption 2 00:08:04 - New NES Games on Switch (https://www.lootpots.com/articles/metroid-joins-nintendo-switch-onlines-classic-nes-library-this-november-07112018/) Solomon's Key Let's Play (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VR6cjxwsdQ) Ace Waters YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/acewatersthe3rd) 00:12:52 - YouTube for Nintendo Switch (https://www.lootpots.com/articles/youtube-arrives-on-nintendo-switch-08112018/) 00:27:52 - 8BitDo GBros. (https://www.lootpots.com/articles/8bitdo-wireless-gamecube-adapter-releasing-alongside-smash-bros-ultimate-08112018/) Hori D-Pad Controller Review (https://www.lootpots.com/artic
