
Naturalish Solves the Scare Crisis



All these monsters employed by Monsters Inc. are scaring kids for their scare energy, but no one is stopping to ask: WHY?! That is, until a certain scienceman-producer duo came along to ask the tough questions like 'where or when are these monsters?' and 'what is scare energy actually?' and 'what's really behind the scare crisis?' and 'how does all this fit into the Grand Unified Pixar Theory?' The answers are certain to shock, awe, and potentially educate this week on Naturalish! Check out the article that inspired this episode! On Science in the News we cover the biological details of the Predator species, birds with metabolic powers, and heating up Schrodinger's cat. Big Naturalish shout out to reidedo for the sound of the avian uprising, as well as Mike Wazowski, James P. Sullivan, Mr. Waternoose, 23-19's, concentration gradients, ATP, The Predator, Shane Black, Alien, Aliens, The Thing, the Yautja, Louis Hallsley, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Brie Larson, Captain Marvel, Spore, Stellaris, Paradox Intera