Tg Geeks - The Two Gay Geeks

TG Geeks Webcast Episode 186



The Two Gay Geeks have a chat with one of our contributors and favorite authors, Gini Koch about All Things Kitty. As always we have our birthdays and we catch up on some of our feedback that has been accumulating. In our second segment we have a few news items to chat about that are of interest to us. In our third segment we highlight our recent articles posted to the website in the past week. As always we welcome your feedback. Please let us know what you think. Good or bad, we want to know. Thank you for listening, we really do appreciate you taking time out of your day to spend with us. Breaking News 2014. San Diego, CA. Gini Koch. Mt. St. Mary's Finals.© Nancee E. Lewis / Nancee Lewis Photography. No other reproduction allow with out consent of licensor. Permission for reproduction required.Editor Note: We received this note from Gini after we had recorded this interview. The release date for Aliens Like Us has moved to April 2019. The reason is that it's shocker alert going to be another long one a