Tg Geeks - The Two Gay Geeks

TG Geeks Webcast Episode 140



Two Gay Geeks have something different for you this time. We have the “Song of Sway Lake” Q and A from the Tucson Film Festival where the film played on October 6th. As always we have our birthdays and we have our feedback for the week. In our second segment we give our thoughts on the Arizona Opera production of Patrick Morganelli's, Hercules vs Vampires. As always we welcome your feedback. Please let us know what you think. Good or bad, we want to know. Thank you for listening, we really do appreciate you taking time out of your day to spend with us. Ari and Ethan Gold at the Tucson Film Festival   Our YouTube channel is Two Gay Geeks (audio only):   Show Notes / Links: [Spider_Video_Player id="1"] Q&A at Tucson Film festival TG Geeks Episode #139 Full feedback reply from Arkle Technorama Episode #452 (start at 39:18 for the "raisin things")   Keith, Patrick Morganelli, and Ben after the Sunday performance of Hercules vs Vampires Next Performance of Hercules vs Vampires is at Nashville