Tg Geeks - The Two Gay Geeks

TG Geeks Webcast Episode 124



The Two Gay Geeks have a wrap up of our experience at WesterCon 70 including Evening Erotica with Gini Koch. We have our birthday segment and we catch up on feedback. In our second segment we talk about the revival of Sense8 for a finale episode and the possibility of a series based on Isaac Asimov's Foundation novels. As always we welcome your feedback, let us know what you think, good or bad we want to know. Thank you for listening, we really do appreciate you taking time out of your day to spend with us. TG Geeks Webcast Our YouTube channel is Two Gay Geeks (audio only):   Show Notes / Links: Evening Erotica with Gini Koch at WesterCon 70 Genesis 7 Sense8 Revived for a Finale Asimov’s Foundation to try for an adaptation again   The work of Tom Deadstuff Listening Flower This is the mask we bought   Featured Podcast Bumper of the Week Casual Mode If you have a podcast or know of a podcast we should be aware of, please use the contact form below and send us t