Making Everything Beautiful

Episode 9: How to Bring Closure to a Situation and Move Forward With Power



Are you struggling to move forward because you keep tripping over your past? How we bring closure to the events or situations in our lives impacts our ability to move forward in our lives with power. When we don't complete things in a healthy way, we bring the energy of all those loose ends with us wherever we go. They stay in our mental and emotional space. In this episode, we look at how all the incompletes in our life drain our energy and keep our future filled with past events and situations. We look at how all those things that we never dealt with are tripping us up and keeping us from moving forward. So, how can we clear the space to create something new? We take a look at this question in this episode. Cleaning up and clearing out the incompletions in our lives creates a beautiful, clear space to create new and beautiful things in. It takes courage and bravery to clean some of the really messy incompletes. But, the freedom and clarity gained in the process are, oh, so, worth it. If we want to be able