Making Everything Beautiful

Episode 5: Somebody Left the Planet Today



We all need a wake-up call from time to time. I had one such experience today, on my way home from work. In this episode, I share an incident that happened on my way home from work today and the thoughts that flooded my mind all the way home. I knew I had to get this message out ASAP. We hold back sharing ourselves because we are afraid, or don't think we are ready, or whatever other excuse we might be letting stop us from giving our treasures to the world. But, the idea that we have all this time is an illusion. We all have a last day on this planet. And, for someone on my way home from work today, February 7, 2019, time is up. They left the planet today. We simply do not have time to play small anymore. The stakes are high. The stakes are real. I don't want to leave this planet without having said what I needed to say. Without having given what I came to give and share.   “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled,