Making Everything Beautiful

Episode 4: Starting Over- How to Create Something Beautiful From Brokenness



Are you in a place right now, where you feel like your life has crumbled into shambles around your feet? Maybe, a little time has passed since you were in that place, but you haven't moved forward past the pain. Maybe its a divorce (that was me), maybe the loss of a loved one through death, maybe your career has suddenly ended and you aren't sure which direction to go with your life. Whatever the situation, it can feel difficult to move forward. When something or someone who was a significant part of our life is now gone, a hugantic hole suddenly appears in our normal daily existence and it leaves us feeling confused and lost. We aren't sure how to do life anymore, now that it looks so different. We need to recalculate. In this episode I share my own personal story of how I created something beautiful from brokenness. It starts with us. It starts with Love. With Much Love, Darlene Michele   Links mentioned in this episode:  Episode 2: Intrinsic Value- How Do You Measure the Worth of a Person? Episode 3: How t
