Making Everything Beautiful

Episode 2: Intrinsic Value- How Do You Measure the Worth of a Person?



Have you ever felt unworthy or not enough? I think I can safely say we all have at one time or another. I've spent most of my life feeling this way about myself. And, only in recent years have I been able to shift the way I see my value and worthiness and honor my place in this world's story. In this episode I examine the question, "How do we measure the worth of a person?" It's sooooo easy to place our value in what others think of us or other external things, like a job or financial status. But, those things shift and change. Causing us to feel insecure in ourselves and our lives. Can our value really come from these places? Does our value come and go with the changing conditions in our lives? No. Our value is not found in anything outside of ourselves. Our value is inherent in who we are. We are worthy just because we exist. We must see that who we truly are is of a spiritual nature. We are ultimately spiritual beings dwelling in our human bodies for a little while. When we connect with that part of us tha