Delicious Marketing

Monetize your Local Media Assets with Local Biz Films



Listen to this if you want to learn how to Monetize your Local Media Assets. In this episode of the Delicious Marketing Podcast, David and Drew discuss one of the primary ways to monetize a Local Media Asset property. Local Biz Films is a course that David and Drew have put together that shows almost anyone how to create a mini-documentary video designed to exhibit local businesses. Creating a professional looking local business film need not be an expensive endeavor. David talks about using a device that most of us have in our pockets already...our iPhones or Android phones with a few other pieces of equipment that really help fulfill what would help to get started and execute. Listen in as David and Drew talk about the workflow and how a Local Biz Film can be an extraordinary way to help monetize your Local Media Assets and generate revenue for your Digital Agency. For more information about Local Biz Films and Local Media Assets, we invite you to head over to our website at  or visit