Career Cloud Radio - Job Search Advice & Tactics

2017 Job Search Roundtable Discussion



Welcome to another career podcast my name is Chris Russell, founder of The site that offers most practical tips, tricks and tools for today’s jobs search...if you want to become a modern job seeker...join over 40,000 other job seekers on who use the site to stay up to date on todays job search. Well ...It’s time for another end of year job search roundtable where we discuss news and topics with some of our favorite career coach friends. Welcome back to the show Hannah Morgan and Chris Fields -How was 2016 for both of you…? Were you busier than ever? -What was your favorite client success story form 2016? -Any resume or hiring trends that you noticed...good or bad? -Are your clients being found more often online via profiles? -Frustrations: not hearing back from employers -Driverless cars/trucks, robots taking jobs -Millenials largest sector of workforce and they are having an impact (from how managers review to how people apply) -Is everyone gearing up for the