Career Crashers

7 - College Jobs > College Degrees with Amanda Grimmett



Amanda Grimmett is the Area Community & Corporate Events Manager at Convene, where she oversees all of their client facing and community events in New York.  In this episode, Amanda shares how her college jobs and extracurriculars helped her land her first opportunity after college and talks about what she looks when she is interviewing job candidates.  Find more of Amanda's work at: In this episode:  * How running events from college led to Amanda's first career opportunity  * Getting offered a job during her interview that was actually higher than the role she was interviewing for * Selling your experience in a way that shows a company it is relevant to the jobs you want  * How to prepare for an interview  * What separates the best applicants she interviews for roles  * What skill did she wish she had when she was starting her career  Check out for great resources on creating a great career and if you want to share your sto