Christina's Daily Inspiration- Contemplative Meditations

Day 23~ Transformation~ Christina's Daily Inspiration



Transformation~Any resistance to life’s natural flow of evolution will result in our own suffering.We are all transforming at a more rapid rate than ever before. Our world is shifting on a planetary level. We are shifting on National and international levels. Our world appears to be in massive upheaval … systems are being fully revealed and are breaking down. Climate shifts are in real time expression across the entire planet. Times are changing. We are also changing. If we resist the changes by holding onto our old behaviors and patterns, we suffer. Life only works for us when we are in its flow. Life is an expanse of time whence growth or evolution may occur. It is a combination of experiences that allow us to expand in our own understanding. Essentially, it offers the possibility of leading us home to the truth of our being where the sense of separation is dissolved and the recognition of our oneness with all of life is revealed. There is no evolution of the true being. It is always pure harmony, peace, lo