Christina's Daily Inspiration- Contemplative Meditations

Day 12~ The Truth of Emptiness~ Christina's Daily Inspirations



THE TRUTH OF EMPTINESS~As we practice being Present for longer periods of meditation, we will discover a state of emptiness. The silent receptivity that we allow ourselves to rest in can appear as a state of nothingness. The mind will claim this and make it our experience initially. In other words, there will appear to be NOTHING here for us. But the truth of the matter is that this nothingness or Emptiness is the doorway to our own Soul: The Truth of Our Being. If we can remain loyal and receptive in our periods of emptiness cosistently, we will find that one day we begin noticing the tangible effects of this practice. We will find we are experiencing greater peace, less resistance to life, less reactivity to circumstances as they arise. Not too far into this practice, we will notice that things begin to come to us that we did not seek out or even ask for; but needed. We may find that those around us also become more patient and kind in our Presence. People in our lives who have not been supportive may sudde