Christina's Daily Inspiration- Contemplative Meditations

Day 2 ~ The True Self ~ Christina's Daily Inspiration ~ Contemplative Mediation



The True Self is the Reality of our BE-ing. It is the real essence of who and what we are beneath the distracting thoughts of the mind. We have become identified with the thoughts and beliefs in our heads. This has led to our belief that we are these thoughts and beliefs; as our ‘personality’. The Webster dictionary definition of personality is as follows: the quality or state of being a person. We are more than this person. The person or personality is only a very minute aspect of our being. Our personalities are comprised of the thoughts, beliefs, judgments, and opinions of our minds that we have developed from our upbringing.  The truth of the matter is that this is not who we are. the True Self is completely free of thoughts, beliefs, judgments, and opinions. This means that it is also free of fear, worry, doubt, and confusion. It is not limited by circumstances nor is it affected by them. It does not need a thing, as it is the essence of pure contentment and fulfillment itself. From the perspective of th