The Dark Ascent Podcast

DA013 Tuning Yourself to Demons



Is there an area in your life you wish to improve? Is there a specific demon you’re drawn to? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work with one of these beings? In this episode of the Dark Ascent podcast, our hosts Melektoth and Elinara further explore the concepts introduced in the last episode about working with demons, and which ones are appropriate to you. Melektoth shares the process of tuning yourself to the desired demon’s energy, and what steps are required to get started. If you’ve listened this far, why not take one more step into your Dark Ascent?   In This Episode Selecting the demon for you Tuning yourself to their energy The magick of Wikki Stix The surprising thing about your first encounter There is no assertion, there is only attraction How do you attain the help of a demon?   “It’s a little bit more of a challenge working with dark energy” “The biggest thing you need to do first is to tune yourself to their energy” “You can’t be afraid when you’re doing this” “The stronger you