Concrete Garb - Giving The Concrete Industry A Sense Of Style!

Concrete Garb EP23: Bob Harris, "Education, Passion, and Love"



Today, we are bringing you a world renown decorative concrete guru, Mr. Bob Harris.  Bob is the Senior Director of Decorative concrete Consulting and a principal for Structural Services Inc. a industry leader in design and construction consulting services.   Mr. Harris is also the President of the Decorative Concrete Institute that he and his wife Lee Ann started in 2001.  Bob is a 3rd generation concrete finisher and regular speaker at the World of Concrete.  He is the author of many industry publications on decorative concrete as well as DVD’s.  Bob was inducted into the Decorative concrete hall of fame in 2010 and named top 10 most influential by concrete Decor Magazine in 2015.  Please join me in welcoming an industry leader, Mr. Bob Harris.