Concrete Garb - Giving The Concrete Industry A Sense Of Style!

Concrete Garb EP16: Craig Cottongim & Rex Jameson



In this episode, we give you two concrete enthusiasts, Mr. Craig Cottongim and Mr. Rex Jameson.   Craig Cottongim is a second-generation concrete finisher.  He is a columnist for Concrete Construction Magazine, and he is the founder of Concrete Leadership Training.  Craig knows all about your world and what working with concrete is really like.  Simply put, Craig develops leaders. Mr. Rex Jameson is VP of Talent Development with Ozinga Bros.  Rex has over thirty years of engineering and project management experience.  He works with leaders at Ozinga to develop their people, encouraging them to serve, learn and lead in ways that embrace Ozinga's unique culture and values. Let's do this.  Let's make concrete great again! LInk to Ozinga's YouTube Channel: Link to Concrete Leadership Training Website: