E&cs Pod Of Awesomeness

NXT's EC3!



What's up, Hosers?!Welcome to another edition of E&C's Pod of Awesomeness.This week, the Strappers spoke with NXT's EC3. He talked through his career, from Ohio Valley Wrestling to TNA, where he became Heavyweight Champion, and back to WWE as a member of NXT. Also covered was the time Christian took EC3 out for ice cream. That's all of the context I'm willing to give you, you'll have to listen to the entire interview for the full story.Plus, we announce the winner of the Flip Sunset t-shirt contest, Benny and the Banditos debut a new song, and Flip joins the show to get a few things off his bronzer-filled chest.HERE WE GO!Buy a shirt!Thanks to this week's sponsors, Buffalo Wild Wings, ZipRecruiter (try it for free!), and Full Sail University. To learn more about Full Sail University's Dan Patrick School of Sportscasting, go to fullsail.edu/Awesomeness.